Case Studies

English Institute of Sport – Wearable Electronics

Complex electronic wearables are a great challenge and one that our team love developing, especially if it includes the use of supporting novel or new technologies and better still if the end user has a truly uncompromising need!

Elite athletes require every part of their training systems and resources to deliver and integrating a wearable into a piece of high technology sports clothing is truly cutting edge for sport wearables.

We are incredibly proud of the work we have completed with the English institute of sport and delighted that some of the elite sports men and women who used the products in anger were also medal winning!

Get in touch today for a conversation about collaborating on your development of sports, medical or industrial wearables –  with every development resource under one roof we can get you to market faster and with less friction!


Customer:  English Institute of Sport

“Newbury Innovation have been instrumental in the development of multiple, novel, innovative, wearable electronic training & competing support equipment for elite British athletes for use across multiple sporting disciplines.  Newbury have worked closely with the EIS, to tight time frames and challenging technical requirements in support of these key product developments. The EIS would like to thank Newbury for bringing their expertise and dedication to the successfully delivery of these electronic product development programmes.”

Matt Parker :  Director of Innovation

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