Latest News
Oct 4th 2024

Factory Extension is Complete.

Our factory extension is now complete. The ground floor is being fitted out with services in advance of the arrival of new lines. Four container loads of process machinery will arrive next week. Our plans are to have this equipment in production by January 2025. The new plant will enhance our small hole plating, and fine line etching capability.

Our new direct metalization line will use the Shadow Plus process from Macdermid. It is the first line specifically designed for this process installed in the UK. It is manufactured by UCE and supplied by Viking.

For those who want to know more, Macdermid say this about the process.

“Shadow Plus enables the plating of microvia and through hole structures using graphite-based colloids and proprietary additives to make holes conductive. Our direct metallization process allows designers to integrate microvias and any-layer HDI using high performance and exotic materials. Shadow Plus is a more consistent process that uses less power and runs at lower operating temperatures. With no formaldehyde and lower chemical consumption, it is safer for operators and reduces maintenance. This direct metallization process can handle the most demanding designs used in critical applications.”