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Jun 16th 2014

How to Patent a Product

Get a quick and easy-to-understand insight into applying for a patent.

Have you got an idea for a new product that you want to develop? Perhaps it's a brand new concept and you need to patent the idea to make sure you have business success?

How To Patent A Product Free Guide

Look no further than our handy 8-page guide which explains the journey from idea to granted patent. Easy to understand without all the legal jargon, this quick guide is a good starting point if you're thinking about applying for a patent as there are some key tips in here that you really should know before you go spending a fortune.

The patent application process can be a tricky and costly one if you don't know your options which are outlined in this white paper.

You'll learn:

  • How to avoid expensive attorney fees
  • When you will need to use a patent attorney and what you can do yourself
  • This pros and cons of delaying a patent application

Download a copy of our patents white paper now and learn how to patent a product today. Simply click the download button below.

Intellectual property is something created that is unique and owned by either a person or a business. Protecting your intellectual property allows you to stop others using it without your permission and charge others for the right to use what you have created.

A patent is an important document that grants ownership to an invention. Showing your product has patent protection can stop others from infringing your patent; it will also help to assist any damage claims. However if you fail to patent your product, you can still take legal action against anyone who infringes it. Make sure you do not make your invention public before you apply for a patent, as you can't patent it later. Newbury Innovation's brand new white paper gives an insight into 'How to Patent a Product'.

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